2. Election Season is Here, Check Out Our Political Leadership Guide
Our website is rich with resources. Especially if you visit our IMPACT section. One of our four areas of focus is Political Leadership, where we strive to offer guidance and content to help you understand, navigate, and manage your obligation as a voter and as a real estate professional. We have now published a Political Leadership Guide.
Click here to download.
This document is colorful, comprehensive, and purposely simplified. It will give the reader a detailed and in-depth overview of the approach one should use when vetting candidates for support in the upcoming election. We highly encourage you to SHARE this tool with all your team, friends, and sphere of influence. The more we can focus on encouraging leaders who use facts, talents, experience, and vision over rhetoric, personal agenda, fear tactics, and more, the better off we will be!
My take: We are at a pretty critical point in terms of shaping the future of the region. We’re located a relatively short drive from the mountains and a slightly longer journey to the shore. The world’s seventh busiest airport is right here in our backyard. We are centrally located along a trade route logistically accessible to several ports via rail and interstate. Quality of life is off the charts. It just doesn’t get much better. Still, even with all of these built in benefits, we will thrive with strong leadership and whither without it. I touched on this in last week’s “Thoughts on the Run.” It’s worth a read if you haven’t already. It’s high time we focus on electing representatives who get it. Stuff doesn’t just happen on its own.
Rob Nanfelt
Executive Director, REBIC