York County Considering Changes to Traffic Impact Analysis

York County is considering a series of changes to its rezoning and land development regulations that would require a more stringent Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for all development projects.

The proposed text amendments, which will be considered by Planning Commission tonight, could potentially require a TIA by any developer or landowner seeking a rezoning, preliminary plat or site plan approval, based on the determination of planning staff. A preliminary site evaluation, required as part of the application process, would be reviewed by staff and determine whether a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Traffic Impact Analysis would be required.

The TIA report would provide county staff with guidance on how a proposed development would impact existing Levels of Service for surrounding roadways, as well as the necessary improvements needed to mitigate those impacts.

REBIC supports the use of TIAs in rezonings and for the review of major development projects. But we have a number of concerns with some of the language in the proposed ordinance, and are working with members of the Planning Commission on potential improvements ahead of a public hearing on Monday, July 18th. 

You can download the complete set of proposed ordinance amendments here.


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