ONE For Tuesday | November 5, 2024

We can’t stop talking about politics and today of all days, whatever happens, a lot of big things are going to change. This week, however, we want to talk about something we must change. And that is how we respond to the escalation of unreasonable no-growth policies. Elected officials are emboldened to vilify development and legitimize stagnation as though it’s a viable alternative. We are constantly sideswiped by subjective application denials as we watch hostile citizen groups break the will of elected officials who have taken an oath to obey state and municipal laws. Similarly, we consistently see the growing trend of weaponizing the delivery of utilities such as water and sewer. But my question is what are we prepared to do?

Since reporting on an email exchange we had with officials from the Town of Weddington, NC – the subject matter calling out elected officials who appear to be pushing the limits on development approvals for projects utilizing septic systems – we have discovered more unsettling news. As we watch the latest televised meeting of the Planning Board, we witness the discussion of new policy that could bring even more delays. The Town Board has imposed two new substantial policy changes without much, if any, consultation with its own board that exists to provide input on these very topics. One of these changes will permit the Planning Board to review only one development proposal per meeting. Town Board members appear to be elongating the approval process with this limitation as well as implementing a long lead time between planning approval and when a developer can present their project to the Board for approval. When actions like these go unchecked by Union County officials and even state level officials there are not a lot of places remaining to find relief.

The truth is, to deal with these issues effectively, we must ALL do a better job of collaborating as a body of members. Yes, we must decide what that looks like. Legal action is often the last resort. It is expensive, drawn out, and some believe marks us as hostile. But when it’s becoming more obvious that elected officials and staff appear to be tightening their grip on suppressing property rights, something eventually has to give. Our response needs to be united, measured, and strategic.

REBIC exists to connect with municipal policy makers and staff and to create a reasonable atmosphere of collaboration and shared knowledge to aid development, planning, and building. The mission being to create a healthy economic climate for our region. This delicate balance breaks down when certain decision makers decide to drive an agenda that runs counter to common sense. Please, will you reach out to me. Let’s find a place to start. There are individuals out there who are leaning into this with solutions. Let’s join them.

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