Huntersville Evaluating Possible Changes to Residential Zoning Districts

At its regular meeting this past Monday night, the Huntersville Town Board held a public hearing on Text Amendment 14-02, which would allow for higher densities on land currently zoned as Rural.

Staff has drafted two options for the Board to consider.  Option 1 would effectively allow for .88 units per acre (after roads, etc.) if a developer were willing to set aside 45% of the property as open space.  Option 2 would allow for .9 units per acre and contains a sliding scale as it relates to the open space set aside.

The Town Board is also considering another change, Text Amendment 13-05, which would allow for higher densities in areas currently zoned as Transitional Residential.  Under current zoning, developers could place up to .95 units per acre, but under the proposed language, as many as 1.5 units per acre would be allowed.  Again, staff has prepared two options for the Board’s consideration.  Under Option 1, a developer could have a density of 1.5 units per acre if he was willing to set aside 40% of the property as open space.  Under Option 2, a maximum of 1.5 units per acre would be allowed with a sliding scale for the open space set aside.

The Huntersville Town Board has deferred action on both amendments until its March 3rd meeting. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Rob Nanfelt at (720)771-3825 or [email protected].

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