City to Require Electronic Plan Submittal Starting January 1

Effective January 1, 2012 the City’s Land Development Division will require that all commercial plans be submitted electronically.   Sealed, signed hard copies of plans should be scanned into PDF format and e-mailed to [email protected].  Alternatively, a CD containing the PDF files may be sent to our office.  For those designers that don’t have scanning capability in their offices – the scanning and conversion to PDF format can be handled by any retail print/copy shop such as FedEx Office, Alphagraphics, Duncan-Parnell, IKON, etc. 

Land Development has offered the electronic plan (EPLAN) submittal option for commercial site plans for approximately two years, and our customers have found the process to be most efficient and effective.  Please contact LD Customer Service at 704-336-6692 with any questions about EPLAN submittals.

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